No Strings Attached Episode 11 – Pants Party

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Episode 11

Joe has gone on a pants buying spree and has enlisted Aimée for help (see pics below). Aimée found herself making a splurge purchase. We interview Rachel Taravella, owner of Monomin boutique on Magazine Street. We discuss what a Sparkle Pony is AND Joe has agreed to become one!


Aimée bought FABULOUS pajamas that cost more than she would have liked….

I bought these pajamas from Monomin back in December. They are more expensive than what I normally spend on pajamas (DISCLAIMER: Monomin is actually very very very price friendly. Some outfits are $38!!) and after purchasing them I had a minor crisis. It happens from time to time. Buy yourself something nice, enjoy them and quit doubting yourself. Full details on the episode.

Pants Party…

Joe has gone on a pants buying spree. He found some winners, some losers and a ridiculously expensive pair.

Look 1

A taddddddd bit too tight. Especially with a lighter fabric, this is a little more transparent and underpinnings can be seen. This is a no go.

Look 2

Fitting, almost tight, but not. Darker fabric, so less is seen. Also, just love this Olive color.

Look 3

What kind of face is Joe making in this pic????????

LOVE the fit on these. They look awesome. The ankle zipper is definitely fashion forward, but it works. I LOVE these pants, until I heard the price…$389! Definitely a splurge purchase, BUT think about this…how many times have you not bought an item because it was too expensive, but then went on to purchase 4 or 5 similar items trying to match the original piece but it never matches up fully. Thus a good splurge on the right thing is well worth it from time to time.

Other Topics

Rachel Taravella, Monomin owner, Interview

Sparkle Pony

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Full Episodes

No Strings Attached Episode 1 (Grammy’s Red Carpet Fashion)

No Strings Attached Episode 2 (Top 5 Fashion Pieces)

No Strings Attached Episode 3 (RIP Karl Lagerfeld)

No Strings Attached Episode 4 (Mardi Gras Rugby Debate)

No Strings Attached Episode 5 (Oscar’s Red Carpet Recap)

No Strings Attached Episode 6 (Surfing Safari)

No Strings Attached Episode 7 (Instagram is Dead)

No Strings Attached Episode 8 (Project Runway Recap)

No Strings Attached Episode 9 (Lauren Lipscomb owner of Hola Guava)

No Strings Attached Episode 10 (Michelle Reinhardt)

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