Halloween Costume Do’s and Dont’s

It’s the most wonderful time of year {HALLOWEEN!!!!} and I am here to celebrate! During the course of all good celebrations, things have the tendency to get out of hand. That is why yours truly is here to break down the 3 Do’s and Don’ts of Halloween Costumes. They read as follows:


1.) Parents Keep it Appropriate

If you are a parent accompanying their child at any sort of Halloween festivity, please keep it appropriate. I.e. no hoochie mama costumes. Save the risqué for the after party.


2.) Cover Up Your Bits

Halloween in New Orleans coincides with VooDoo music festival. While music festival attire has called for the obscure in latter years, please hold some decency regarding parts exposed…basically if you sit on a barstool and I sit on a barstool afterwards, I do not want to worry about disease due to a lack of clothing over hoo-has


3.) Pasties & Booty Shorts are NOT a Costume

I love a good piece of meat like the next guy. But please, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, have an actual costume prepared. Nudity is not creative. At least have a mask or something!

2 Responses to “Halloween Costume Do’s and Dont’s”

  1. Gwent says:

    Fantastic perspective! The points you made are thought-provoking. For more information, I found this resource useful: FIND OUT MORE. What do others think about this?

  2. BuckM says:

    Very interesting info!Perfect just what I was looking for!Blog range

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