Favorite Picture of the Year?

I know it’s early into this campaign that we call 2020, but these photos are in the early running for picture of the year. Why am I so in love with these pics? Well, let me tell YOU!

1.) I love sparkles. It’s a not so subtle way to let everyone know that you are fabulous. The more sparkles I can incorporate on a daily basis the better.

2.) It’s as close to Dolly Parton as I will ever be. That is company I like to be surrounded by.

3.) Speaking of company, I would like to shout out and say how much I love my gracious friends for standing on the stairs while I go full Madonna and strike a pose.

4.) I look slightly tall in these pics. As a proud member of the Under 5’2″ Crew, it feels good to be tall some times.

5. More sparkles.

If you see me around town wearing this on a Tuesday trying to recreate this photo on a regular basis please join in on the fun.

Glamorous Regards,


6 Responses to “Favorite Picture of the Year?”

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