A Little Psycho…My Love for Halloween

It is no big shock to anyone that I look forward to October all year long. It might be the general consensus that September is my favorite due to new Fall fashions and New York Fashion Week HOWEVER September falls a close second to October. You can keep your carols (voice of an angel…I kid), family festive dinners (15 hungry people watching an oven bake, yay!), packing up for the parade route (blasphemous I know) and dyed eggs (my fingers are stained for weeks). But this month, the spectacular month of October has always been considered Halloween Season. This is a beloved month and holiday for many reasons;

  1. There is no pressure to prepare fancy meals for family you see once a year nor purchase gifts,
  2. Pumpkin carving is considered a competitive sport,
  3. The only Martha Stewart Magazine I ever buy is the Halloween issue (is she still relevant? I hope so)
  4. It is the one time I get “crafty”
  5. AND do I need to mention the copious amount of candy?
  6. Yet the most significant reason I adore all 31 days is the occasion to dress in costume.

Currently there is an opportunity to costume every weekend in New Orleans, nonetheless as a child I only had two days a year to dress up and I took those dress up days VERY seriously. In my house it was sacrilegious of to travel to Target to pick out a costume. I was very fortunate to have a mother who sewed and hand-made our costumes every year. She was the original Etsy shop. I have inherited this tradition and destiny led me to marry into a family that shares this uncanny obsession with this magical holiday and creative costuming. The joy of Halloween is that it allows you to morph into something wicked or whimsical, creepy or cute, or even risqué and radical without judgment. The holiday is not dissimilar to the fashion world at all; Halloween was the catalyst for my current passion for fashion.

AND now onto this blast from the past costume (note- every costume is handmade):

Halloween 2015- this gem was the genius of Corrie Pellerin. She individually put on each leaf. It went from Tinkerbell to Poison Ivy depending on the company.

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