Gift Giving Do’s and Don’ts

The holiday season is upon us and that can only mean one thing…people trying to disguised a disgusted or underwhelmed face while opening up an atrocious gift! The horrible gift is a tale as old as time, while the singing fish on the wall seemed like a great idea at the last minute, in reality it involved little authentic thought and was mediocre at best.

This year, avoid being that awful gift giver with these simple rules. They read as follows (spoiler, the last tip is a MUST HAVE):

1.) No Clothing or Accessories

If the person has not specifically requested a particular item of clothing or accessory, DO NOT purchase it for them. Yes, you may have the best fashion sense in the world. BUT, your fashion sense may not be their fashion sense. Whenever I do closet clean outs, the first items to always leave are ‘gifts’ that were never worn.

1-B.) Gucci is Good

There is an exception to the clothing /accessory rule…Gucci. Gucci is always good.

2.) No Scents

What may smell like an eggnog latte to you, could smell like an old folks home to others. Perfumes, candles, lotions anything that has a scent. DO NOT BUY!

3.) No Gift Cards…

No gift cards to a place that the gift receiver has never been. If Nanny has never been to Chili’s, now is not the time to get them hyped up on the baby back ribs train. Yes, the wall of gift cards at Walgreens is enticing. It is very easy to over compensate with poor planning by throwing down an extra $25 – $50 dollars on a gift card that will ultimately sit in the glove box or center console of that persons car for years…if they have never been to a place or have expressed no interest…don’t buy them a gift card from there.

4.) Do Give Gift Cards…

Wait, what?! Aimée didn’t you just inform me not to purchase a gift card? Correct, I did. BUT, there is an exception to the rule. Gift cards CAN be purchased, IF it is something the receiver uses on a regular basis. For instance, a gift card to their favorite coffee shop or nail salon is a winner. Put yourself in the gift receivers shoes and think, what do they do on a weekly basis. IF that gift card falls into that routine, then do it!

5.) The Best Gift Card Is…

FASHON! We all wear clothes, we all have closets, we all have places to be where we need to look our best. Fashion is an every day thing that can overwhelm many, but can easily be tackled by ALG Style. Buy your loved ones an ALG Style gift card and redeem it for Closet Clean Outs, Wardrobe Consulting, Personal Shopping, Image Consulting.

AND- if you are completely stumped on what to give your loved ones…hire ALG Style! We not only specialize in style, we also understand and know how to personally shop for the gifts that will make everyone say: ‘I LOVE IT!’



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(504) 237-1104

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