Things I Learned This Weekend

I learned several things this weekend, most of them pertaining to tequila and bodysuits. Please do not follow in my shoes and do learn from…

We Talked Holiday Fashion on WWLTV

Rise and shine, it’s fashion time. We woke up early to discuss Holiday Fashion with our friends at WWLTV. A special thanks to our all…

A Gift Guide for the Crazies in Your Life

My little world sometimes mimics a situational comedy. Somedays its “Friends” and “I Love Lucy” others “Stranger Things” and “Game of Thrones.”  I could not…

Let ALG Do Your Holiday Shopping

Holiday Shopping is a mess. It takes forever, you have to spend endless hours in rush hour traffic going from store to store and usually…

The Holiday Bazaar Gift Guide

It’s the most wonderful LOCAL time of year! That’s right, whether you like it or not the Holidays are here and that means Holiday Shopping….

State of the Holiday Bazaar

BUY YOUR VIP TICKETS TODAY: CLICK HERE Attention! Attention! We are fast approaching the second annual Holiday Bazaar by ALG Style. Let’s get to the…

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